Time to say bye to the ‘heaven bed’

It was the bed I dreamed about from when I was a little girl and even better. It was made in Denmark, shipped to Germany, then New York, then here and here and here and here…and now it is time to say no further.

At nearly 7 ft long and 6 feet wide, it would be the perfect bed to snuggle up with the six little ones I imagined having and that would all pile in from time to time. Even one would have done it proud. The Himmel Bet deserves better than what I can give it. On Thursday the movers will come, they will take it apart and bring it down and place it where someone will find it …and maybe their dreams will come true or better yet, have already come true and there will be a troupe of little ones just waiting to jump and bounce and snuggle on it.

9 responses to “Time to say bye to the ‘heaven bed’”

  1. Lynne says :

    Can you store it? Broken down, it should fit, shouldn’t it? Now you don’t have the appliances….

  2. Mike says :


  3. Lynne says :

    Save the bed. It may be possible to return to Israel very quickly, and then you will be glad that you have it.

    • chairwoman says :

      Bless you Lynne. Mummy knows there’s no bed like one’s own. How are you? Get my email from Yaeli, and we can cyber chat πŸ™‚

  4. israeliminx says :

    Ok, ok, I’ll save the bed πŸ™‚

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