quick update

Today was a really long day for me. It is always a bit sad when you teach the last class of a semester and today, because these were make-up classes for our ‘optional’ bad-weather day, the classes were stacked back to back without a break of any sort. It was a teaching marathon. I have to say I was really (really) impressed with how prepared the first year students are already for the final exam this coming Sunday. Now I’m thinking, yikes, did I make the exam too easy? I got home at 7 and collapsed for a nap after feeding the critters. I’m about to head back to bed after I clean the litter boxes. More updates tomorrow on our politics, the garden and just general life.

6 responses to “quick update”

  1. tddpirate says :

    Makes me wonder how come that the improved math competency quickly spread from primary school children to your students.

    • Lynne says :

      Bet more than skills improvement, it was attitude improvement 🙂 Always a good thing!

    • israeliminx says :

      Lol, no math involved in this one 🙂

    • tddpirate says :

      I wonder if by any chance you (Yaeli) added to the first semester’s lecture a short speech about the benefit your students would get if they have the right attitude toward their studies.
      (If not, how about milking the analogy of studies+homework to sports training – people who do not do their homework themselves are like basketball players who pay someone else to do for them the training and practice.)

  2. Mike says :

    Do you get a break when the semester is over?

    • israeliminx says :

      Not really. We spend the ‘non-teaching’ time running a marathon of grading and grading and grading and grading all the exams, papers, projects etc that get turned in at the end of the semester and during the exams period, proctoring the exams, and creating the new exams for the “only in Israel do I get a re-do if I fail” moed bet exams that are given in the first month and half of next semester.

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